
little haiti BBQ/The Yard

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the BBQ on 2nd ave NE
finally the stylish looking woman that grills the chicken and the ribs
lets me take her photos -
she liked the couple of 4x6s prints of her storefront i gave her.

her son sells CDs and DVDs inside -
for 3 dollar i get a small plate of chicken spicy rice and beans and
spicy pickles.

haitians like italians like chicken legs more than the white meat.

i am surprised to see chinese green tea with low sugar for sale -
15 calories vs `150/180 calories of
sodas sweetened with corn syrup.

-- a cuban woman asks me if i am from argentina - she tells me i look
like i am from there -
she has a tattoo on the neck and a chihuahua in her arms -
i ask her what is she doing in the haitian neighborhood -
she says it is the only place where landlords let her keep her pets
without charging extra fees and deposit.
she pays 350 a month for a 1 BR apt.
a guy on probation asks me to make a call to the probation office -
it closed hours earlier - he seems not on top of it - i suggest him to call his lawyer and go the next day in person -
he has no money for the bus -
i give him a couple of bucks he did not ask for -
a soda and a RIDE.
he has the expression of someone with good intentions that made wrong choices in life.


at the yard hangout - that is how the place where people play dominos is
the chicken is getting marinated and kids are playing.

there are some free rooster -
african kind of chickens that are never eaten just kept as pets.

i drink a guinness and a couple of shots of these herbal haitian liquors
bois coshon [literally "wood pig"].

there is a 8 year old kid -
i met his 25 year old mother

he wants me to take pictures of him an d see them on the LCD of my camera -
i ask about his dad.
he tells me he passed years ago - he went to Haiti they chopped his head
off and never gave the body back.

riding back to south beach 8 miles away
it is very windy as usual
my legs spin a bit faster just a little tipsy and
still hungry
for pizza

1 comment:

LP said...

your work is
glad to have discovered it.